In the period from 2014 to 2024, Apple engaged in the ambitious Project Titan, a venture focused on developing an electric and self-driving car. Codenamed "Project Titan," this initiative was characterized by secrecy, with Apple never officially acknowledging its automotive research efforts. Reports suggested that around 5,000 employees were part of the project in 2018.
Throughout its development, Project Titan faced various challenges and changes. In 2018, Apple reportedly partnered with Volkswagen to produce an autonomous employee shuttle van. By 2020, it was believed that Apple was still working on self-driving hardware, software, and services, shifting away from the production of Apple-branded cars.
In February 2024, Apple executives decided to abandon plans for an autonomous electric vehicle. Instead, the company redirected resources towards its generative artificial intelligence efforts. This marked a significant shift from the initial vision of an Apple-branded self-driving car with features such as voice-activated controls and ambitious autonomous capabilities.
The history of Project Titan is marked by key developments, partnerships, and leadership changes, with individuals like Bob Mansfield and Doug Field taking leading roles in various phases of the project. Despite extensive efforts and speculation about a potential Apple Car, the project ultimately took a different trajectory, reflecting the challenges and uncertainties in the automotive industry.
As of February 27, 2024, Apple made an internal announcement to cancel the entire car project, signaling a major strategic shift towards focusing on generative AI projects rather than pursuing the development of a self-driving vehicle.
Source & Images: Apple